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Thursday, August 23, 2007 - 11:07 PM

well, its over, over i tell ya... it was over on wednesday, 10.40am... but, it only registered in me today, that it was really really over...boy am i happy

Saturday, August 18, 2007 - 11:31 PM

wells exams exams...hiaz so stressfull, so much so that i decided to add a water feature on my desk to help me relax and take my mind off the stress when i'm on breaks... heh so i bought this small tank with neon tetras heh! 44 bucks... worthy investment? only time will tell haha
here's some pics of my small tank

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 - 7:04 PM

well studyin for exams now and yea decided to post some pics i got from my phone heh...

my jaguar

and again..

nah just shitting u guys thats celeste's jaguar, or her's in a few months time after she passes her driving thats what they told me haha...

Friday, August 3, 2007 - 12:30 AM

some thoughts on the equality of men and women...

thought 1:
women go through the worst pain ever felt in a lifetime, and its said to be felt while giving birth, with this experience, most women say men do not understand the real meaning of pain.....i say, we Singaporean men probably do know what that pain is like, and we experience it, but over a period of 2 years++, its called the army...

thought 2:
so yea not all women go through that pain, since not every woman gives birth...i say, likewise, in the world of men we have people who dun need to go through the army, they are called the medically unfit for army, or the pess F....

thought 3:
women think men still dominate the working world, and that men tend to get a higher chance over securing a job... i say: tell that to those men with lady bosses, ok nah that's just a joke, but yea to get it straight,men go for army, which puts us 2 years(minimum) behind girls, in terms of education, i mean while we're in NS, you guys are in uni, so technically, comparing a same aged girl and a guy with equal amount of skill and brains, men are still at the disadvantage of lacking out in 2 years of work related experience, which puts us in a disadvantage when we are applying for a job, coz the girl would already have the job experience, whereas the guy is just a fresh graduate..

yea those are just some thoughts of mine heh...nonsensical as it might seem, there's some logic in it... just some... heh one disclaimer, these are just random thoughts, so no one should take it seriously, i don't want some mega debate on the fairness towards the genders to start, neither do i want some pro woman activist to come sue me....

yupp thats me... i know i look stupid :D


Name: Dean Saechang Xian Dong
Age: 18
Schools: acjs.acs(br).Ngee Ann Poly School of BA
Christian, yea thats bout it

++ my friendster i have facebook too

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++ Audris
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++ Alicia
++ Mei Ling(MLINMS)
++ Dionne


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